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Spanish Jr. High

6th Grade Spanish  1A Class

7th Grade Spanish 1B Class

8th Grade Spanish 2 Class


Important Dates

April 9th - Spring Pictures
                  PTG Meeting6:00pm in Library
April 11th -  School Advisory Council 6:00pm
April 12th - Kindergarten & 8th grade Graduation Pictures
April 13th -  SPRING GALA 6:00pm
April 19th -  Progress Reports
April 24th - Field Day-PreK-Kindergarten
April 25th - Talent Show
April 26th - Field Day- 1st-8thgrades

Students are given time to read in the morning and at the end of the day. Please make sure your child has a book to read at all times.


Check the Heart to Heart for important dates/events/good news information at SHCS.

Spirit Dress Days are on the 1st and 3rd Fridays of every month.

"What can you do to promote world peace? Go home and love your family."  -Mother Teresa 


My name is Debora Cruz-Figueroa and I am your child’s Spanish teacher this year. In Spanish class, students will learn how to say basic phrases, and how to ask and respond to questions in Spanish, such as, “How are you?” In addition, we will touch on the history, geography, and culture of some Spanish-speaking countries, including the Maya, Aztec and Incan Indians and explorers who landed in Latin America. Topics we plan to learn this quarter:  Greetings, courtesies, classroom objects, classroom phrases, numbers, months, days of the week, weather, seasons, clothing, colors, animals, family members, and food. 

Junior High Spanish

Mission: The study of another language and culture enables individuals, whether functioning as citizens or workers, to communicate face-to-face and by virtual means in appropriate ways with people from diverse cultures.

Vision: An education in world languages fosters a population that:

  • Communicates in more than one language with the levels of language proficiency that are required to function in a variety of occupations and careers in the contemporary workplace.
  • Exhibits attitudes, values, and skills that indicate a positive disposition and understanding of cultural differences and that enhance crosscultural communication.
  • Values language learning as a global literacy as well as for its long-term worth in fostering personal, work-related, and/or financial success in our increasingly interconnected world.


Please sign up for Remind. It is an excellent resource for communication between parents and teacher.  You will not need to download the app to register. You will have to text the code to this number "81010". If you have the app, you will just click "join class" and enter class code. Below you will find the code for each grade level. You may send messages Monday-Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and I will reply as soon as possible.

Codes per grade levels are:

6th grade - @h67ecb

7th grade - @he376c

8th grade - @3f7f42


*All lessons are subject to change