SCHOOL'S UPCOMING EVENTS!!! Important Dates: January 17 - Spellimg Bee January 20 - No school MLK holiday January 26 - 31 - Catholic School Week Jannuary 26 - School Mass at 9:00 am
JUST A REMINDER: Welcome to Junior High Religion Class! d My name is Debora Cruz-Figueroa and I am your child’s Religion teacher this year. It is my privilege to accompany your child in growth of mind, heart, and soul as he/she delves into the Catholic faith this year in Religion class. My goal as a Religion teacher is to lead my students to know, love and serve God, to help them to deepen and broaden their relationship with God, with themselves and with others, and to guide them in living a life united with God and His Church. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me: d Debora Cruz-Figueroa, M. Ed. (281) 328-6561 Room 112 Office Hours: Wednesday and Thursday 10:10AM - 11:10AM 6th Grade: Course Description & Objectives Students will address the basic questions of who God is and how we come to know God. They will come to understand the meaning of our human existence and how God is actively involved in the work of our salvation. Moreover, students will come to know the many faces of Jesus by exploring sources that connect us to Christ; e.g. the Church, their parents, and their peers. They will also understand important Christological concepts, such as Jesus’ Incarnation, the Trinity, Jesus’ miracles, and salvation. 7th Grade: Course Description & Objectives By discovering how the Holy Spirit is present in the world today and how He moves in God's people, students will see how God's grace is made possible by the Spirit. They will reflect on the gifts of the Holy Spirit and on how these gifts help them respond to God's love. They will also be led to understand better and participate more fully in the Church's liturgy and Sacraments, of which the summit is the Holy Eucharist. 8th Grade: Course Description & Objectives In order to delve deeper into Christian morality and justice, students will learn about the moral principles embodied in the Ten Commandments. They will be given opportunities to apply these Christian moral principles to various real-life situations and will be encouraged to use those principles in their own daily lives. Students will also be able to understand better the nature of prayer and to explore different kinds of prayer that can broaden their opportunities for communion with God. Communication Email or Remind are the best means of communicating with me. I will return your email or phone message as soon as I can, but please be aware that my response may take up to 24 hours. Remind: You may send messages Monday-Friday from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and I will reply as soon as possible. ***Religion and Spanish Syllabus are posted on Google Classroom |