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Here are a few reminders for this school year:

- Remember to bring a lunch and snack

- Bring a water bottle that can be refilled throughout the day if needed

- Next MASS will be May 14th, full mass attire

Upcoming events for May

May 6-10: Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week    

May 7-10: Camp    Kappe– 5th Grade    

May 14: PTG Meeting 6:00 pm    

May 16:School Advisory Council 6:00 pm    

 May 21: Awards Day    

May 23: Noon Dismissal –Last Day of School      

Accelerated Reader (AR): 4th QUARTER 

 AR is used by many schools to track students' reading comprehension. Each student will be given a goal to reach each 9-weeks. I have given students an AR record sheet that they will keep in their folder (3rd grade: Orange, 4th grade: Red, and 5th grade: Purple). On this sheet, you will see their reading level. This is the level of books they will be expected to be reading. After testing on AR, students will record scores and points earned on a record sheet in their folder. There will be a space for parents to initial. Students will not be able to test at home. Below you will find EACH GRADE LEVEL WEEKLY GOAL:

3rd grade: 3 POINTS

4th grade: 3.5 POINTS

5th grade: 4 POINTS


Test/Quiz Schedule  

3rd-5th grade

Spelling Test Thursday 


Spelling Words: Spelling Test Thursday 5/9/24

3rd grade-Spelling words are all underlined words in each sentence.

Spelling Pattern: 

  1. She always tries to win.
  2. tried to draw that picture.
  3. We are trying to fix this.
  4. It always dries faster in the sun.
  5. Do you like dried cranberries?
  6. The pictures are still drying.
  7. Francine hurries home after school.
  8. Justin hurried to finish his shopping.
  9. We are hurrying.
  10. The good student studies for all her tests.
  11. We studied all afternoon.
  12. I like studying artwork at the museum.
  13. Who plays on your team?
  14. My neighbor played basketball with the pros.
  15. You are not playing that game again!

4th grade-Spelling words are all underlined words in each sentence.

Spelling Pattern: 

  1. The grocer stayed open late.
  2. I’m looking for a red pepper.
  3. The barber cut Sam’s hair.
  4. Every fourth grader likes recess.
  5. Polar bears have thick fur.
  6. A tugboat pulled an oil tanker.
  7. Bret met the band’s singer.
  8. We wanted to enter the contest.
  9. The skunk had a strong odor.
  10. I bought my dog a new collar.
  11. The zipper on my jacket is stuck.
  12. I added powder to the clown’s face.
  13. The icy streets were a danger.
  14. I put cheddar cheese on my sandwich.
  15. Pink is a popular color for hats.
  16. I saw boats docked in the harbor.
  17. The ship dropped anchor.
  18. We took the elevator to the top floor.
  19. Mrs. Garcia has one daughter.
  20. The victor was thrilled to win.

5th grade-Spelling words are all underlined words in each sentence. 

Spelling Pattern:

  1. Grandpa cried tears of sadness.
  2. Luther experienced gladness when his daughter was born.
  3. Her worries were needless.
  4. He flicked the harmless fly.
  5. The wolf hunted in darkness.
  6. I love the moon’s fullness.
  7. The stillness was calming.
  8. The situation is not hopeless.
  9. The skydivers were fearless.
  10. The rope showed no weakness.
  11. His stomach is a bottomless pit.
  12. There’s no time for foolishness.
  13. She smiled with fondness.
  14. Lena makes the dance look effortless.
  15. His work was meaningless.
  16. The room’s emptiness is scary.
  17. She asked for my forgiveness.
  18. He stood motionless in fear.
  19. The fighting was ceaseless.
  20. The lion’s fierceness is unmatched.

Classroom Resources


Please sign up for Remind. It is an excellent form of communication between parents and teacher.  You will not need to download the app to register. You will just simply have to text the following message @4heart to this number 81010. IF you have the app, you will just click join class and enter class code. Below you will find the code for each grade level. You may send messages Monday-Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and I will reply as soon as possible. 


4th: @4heart

5th: @25heart